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Issues & Political Concerns

It's Time for the Beach #CBFirst

The Core Focus

​Working with local, regional, state, and national partners to follow through with collaborative initiatives that give our town the financial support it needs to succeed!  We have received multiple grants through these endeavors just my 2 years on Town Council and have been successful in moving projects to completion, such as the new plaza at the Boardwalk and the Torrey Smith Park.  In January of my first year, I implemented an annual prioritization public meeting. As a council, we now assess the whole of our town needs, evaluate opportunities forthcoming, and make goals into action items, such as the listing of boardwalk property downtown for development.  With the help of these partnerships, we can achieve our prioritized goals without raising taxes.  I believe Colonial Beach is a community that can be both family-friendly and retirement suited, and I focus on projects that provide for the needs across the board.  I have a planning background, trained by the US State Department in Municipal Development, and will lead through our Comprehensive Plan, our Capital Improvement Plan, and understand that better results come from citizen consensus, not a singular agenda.  I am dedicated to fiscal responsibility, going line item through the town and school budget, finding savings and have a track record for tackling the big challenges responsibly.


Moving our community forward with the following initiatives top of mind:

Beautification efforts along Colonial Avenue and Downtown


Responding to citizen concerns, actively asking for citizen input and action


A plan for comprehensive storm water management and updated GIS mapping


Working as a team with fellow Town Council members to make things happen in joint efforts


The designation of a Historical District Downtown


Supporting CB Schools Drifter Pride among all community residents


Formally adopting and implementing the 2030 updated Comprehensive Plan


Attracting and sustaining localized and unique small businesses


Increasing housing in the classic shores with infrastructure to the remaining undeveloped land


Funding a Parks and Recreation Department along with build-out of a park in the Bluff Point Region

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